There are many things a modern company needs to be able to work effectively online. A well-designed and user-friendly website is one. The effective use of search engine optimisation in content is another. A third is robust IT security to protect against threats ranging from denial-of-service attacks to ransomware.

However, all your online operations need to be able to enjoy a good connection in the first instance. That now means being connected to an effective WiFi infrastructure that works consistently.

Whoever provides your WiFi, you need an up-to-date connection and the UK is better served than it was even a few years ago as the technology is rolled out. But there are still many things that can go wrong, causing your connection to go down, operate ineffectively, or fail to connect you in the first place.

Frequent WiFi issues

It helps to understand what sort of problems can commonly occur and what you can do about them. In some instances, they may be simple things you can fix yourself. In other instances, you may need professional IT support to resolve the matter.

Slow Internet is one of the most common network problems, which hampers your work and can impact the bottom line.

Sometimes this is caused by factors such as a high volume of usage by staff, or the downloading of large files. You can be helped by monitoring tools that show when capacity is strained or by restricting some use of the system by staff, such as for non-work use during their breaks.

However, sometimes the only adequate solution is to upgrade your systems to add extra bandwidth, so you have the capacity to cope. You may find this is necessary if your firm is expanding and the number of staff using your facilities is increasing.

Can VOIP Help?

A similar issue can arise from a lack of bandwidth, which slows down your work and constrains your capacity. This is a major problem if you have to frequently download data.

This can sometimes be resolved by clearing your browser cache, but you may need to invest in more bandwidth or try a different solution such as investing in a virtual private network (VPN).

This is a protected network that uses encryption to hide your online identity and, as such, is more secure, but it also isolates it from the public network, so you are not sharing the same network as others and therefore not subject to the same capacity constraints at times of heavy use.

A weak WIfI signal call also be an issue. This may be caused by the interference of other devices using different WiFi connections in the same building, such as cordless phones or printers. But it can also be caused by topographical issues, which can happen in dense urban areas but also hilly areas, the latter being a potential issue in the Chilterns.

Sometimes it may be possible to solve a problem by moving the location of your broadband router so the signal isn’t blocked, but in many cases, you may need an upgrade. The same applies with WiFi blackspots, where you can’t get a signal: you may need to upgrade if you can’t solve the issue simply by avoiding working in certain places within your premises.

When You Need Help – And When You Don’t

Some problems are almost certainly things you need an IT expert to come and help with. A slow DNS (domain name support) lookup should be a very quick process of taking a domain name and turning it into an IP address. If this doesn’t happen, the reasons are often technically complex and need an expert to sort it out.

On the other hand, there can be other issues that are resolved by steps as simple as making sure a cable is fully connected or that your hardware is not damaged in some way. You may also be able to identify all manner of problems using a network monitoring tool, so it is worth investing in this and getting IT support to help you learn how to make the most of it.

When it works well, WIfi offers an outstanding facility for internet use, enabling ample communication, downloading capacity and access to data. But with all those facilities comes complexity.

It is not reasonable in most cases to expect a company, especially a small one without in-house IT support, to know all the answers when the WiFi is not working as well as hoped. That is where you will need extra IT support. Don’t try to struggle on without it. Instead, call us and see how we can help.